Femail jdm stickers
Femail jdm stickers

femail jdm stickers

Only 82 out of 251 identified biomarker candidates responded to treatment while 12 out of these 82 proteins returned to their original untreated disease levels upon therapy tapering. ResultsĬomparison of untreated JDM versus healthy controls identified 202 elevated and 49 decreased serum proteins in JDM patients with an adjusted p-value < 0.001. To confirm the SomaScan® data, a subset of nine candidate proteins ( CXCL11, IL-17B, IL-17D, IL-22, CXCL10, MCP-1, ANGPT2, MIF, IL-23) were tested by ELISA after adding 2 JDM (one untreated, one clinically inactive) serum samples to the same group of JDM girls (8 untreated, 7 treated 7 clinically inactive) as well as with 17 age, gender, matched healthy controls. Longitudinal analysis defined treatment responsive proteins at three time points: untreated (7 samples), treated (7 samples), and clinically inactive (6 samples). To define disease associated biomarkers, SomaScan® data from untreated JDM patients ( n = 8) were compared to SomaScan® data from an independent age-matched healthy control group ( n = 12). SomaScan® technology screened JDM patients for 1305 proteins at three points: 1) before start of treatment, 2) while on therapy, and 3) after treatment tapering when patients were clinically inactive. This pilot study aims to identify serum protein biomarkers associated with clinical disease activity in untreated JDM and their response to medical therapy. Blood accessible biomarkers to assess disease activity and their response to therapies in Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM) are urgently needed.

Femail jdm stickers